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Toronto Conference

Montreal Conference





Weekend Overview

The speaker for 2018 will be Rev. Steve Smith and the theme is "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls" – Matthew 11:29.
You can watch the videos from the 2017 conference led by Rev. Warren Leibovitch below.

To download talks from the conference led by Rev. Warren Leibovitch, please click here.

To select a video, click on the corresponding thumbnail in the 'Video Chooser' to the right of the video player. You may then begin playback by clicking the large 'Play' button at the centre of the player. Once playback has begun, move your mouse over the player window to access controls to pause, fast forward and rewind the presenation. You may also control the volume or make the presentation zoom to fill the screen - the icon to do that is at the extreme bottom right of the player.

Video Chooser

Session 1

Transformed by the Truth

Session 2

Transformed by the Truth

Session 2 - Plenary

Transformed by the Truth

Session 3

Transformed by the Truth

Session 3 - Plenary

Transformed by the Truth

Session 4

Transformed by the Truth

Session 4 - Plenary

Transformed by the Truth

The weekend runs from Friday evening (dinner provided) to Sunday noon (Lunch provided).

The Flame Conferebnce consists of a series of talks relating to the theme followed by small group discussions and summary plenary sessions. There are liberal injections of music and some free time. Hearty meals are provided on a regular schedule.

For many attendees the small group discussions are the heart of the weekend. Men who are often strangers on Friday evening are friends by Sunday. The opportunity to share ones experience with others who also understand your concerns can be enlightening. Confidentiality is stressed. Spiritual support is always close at hand.

Following each talk/small group discussion, all attendees gather in the main hall to share highlights of their discussions as agreed by the groups. There may be a request to the speaker to clarify a particular point. Some attendees may identify how a particular point was particularly relevant to them.

Sunday morning is a Eucharist with the final talk as the sermon followed by the small group discussion. We get a somewhat unique opportunity to discuss a sermon in the middle of the service.

Toronto Flame 2017

For more information on the 2017 program, please see these pages:

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